Arctic Gardens

Introduction Foodservice Campaign

Campaign Thumbnail | Branding | Concept and Strategy | Color & Type | Social Media | Print | Web

Labor issues and waste are a huge headache that weighs heavily on the soul of the foodservice industry. In restaurants, approximately 22-33 billion pounds of fresh produce is lost to spoilage every year due to inefficiency. And that’s not counting hotels, hospitals, and schools. Let’s show the foodservice industry how Arctic Gardens’ agriculture expertise helps them relax and stay in the zen-like state of mind needed to focus on serving up menus filled with delicious, biodiverse, sustainable produce that always stays fresh.

Copywriting: Jeremy Anderson



Our team through the thumbnail period settled on this look and feel. We kept the same typefaces from their Canadian Branding to tie the company together, the client loved this idea. Next we experimented with how to show the “Zen” like state you get in when cooking because you don’t have to worry about so much prepping. We looked for locations where people go to “Zen” out, nature and gardens kept coming up so we latched onto those.



Huge posters act as invitations, from city folk to country folk, and country folk to city folk, with the same scene shown from different perspectives.


We made our digital banners with the capability to be used as either static or motion slides


Red Delight Chocolates : Pitch


Whatever Beer Label - For fun.